I am Sananda January 14, 2008

We ask that each and everyone of you hold your vision for The Now and for The Future that you are Creating.  In a very Real sense, you Are Creating the world in which your Dreams lie.   We have come a long way together and there is a long road to travel still.  As you see your dreams, your visualizations manifest onto the earth you will be amazed by how quickly the last boards of your New Home, your New Lives are put into place, finishing the Plans you have made in your Hearts and in your Minds!    I am Sananda, and I wish you all to know that the Divine Plan for your New Earth is Manifesting Now!  We ask you to keep yourselves in a clear and uplifted place within!   The road may be a little bumpy in the next couple of months, particularly in the United States, but remember that a wind blows through a place and Cleanses that which has settled on and weighed down upon the populace.   This is a time of Cleansing of thought forms which have mired humanity for too long.   You are in a New Cycle now!  Look upon the unexpected with great Joy because Everything is Changing from the Old to the New that will bring a Clear and Clean and Joy-filled society back to the Earth!    You have all Joyfully Volunteered for this Service and it is with great pleasure that I tell you now that you are about to see the Culmination of your Faithful Service to the Light!  You are Greatly Loved!   Spread your Light and your Love in every moment of your lives!   We Love You All Dearly!   Sleep and Rest in the Knowing that You have All Done a Great Work!   Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle  January 14, 2008  10:22 pm