Athena August 15, 2008

As you know this Full Moon is a time of very high energy that is affecting all of you.  There is great opportunity here to tune into the accelerated energies that are coming to you from Source.  When you ride the wave of this energy of Light you will have the opportunity to make a giant leap in Consciousness.    As each of you opens yourselves to this Light in the Consciousness of Intent, you will be the Wayshowers to the path to the New Earth.  You are being asked to walk in Awareness and to surround yourselves with the Light of the Christ as the energies are such that there will be many who will not willingly flow with the Light.  This is a time of increased opposition to the Light even as it is an opportunity to grow into limitless Joy and Peace.  Be Aware of your surroundings and those who you encounter.  Use protection as stated above for the Time has come for the separation of the “Wheat from the Chaff”.    Walk in the Light, Consciously!   Bring the Joy of your hearts to the world!  Sing the Song of Freedom for all of Humankind!   I Am Athena.   Ho!  This is Hermes.  Just a postscript to Athena’s message:  The Dark Lords are prowling the Earth in their usual arrogance.  Be Strong and KNOW that you are protected!   Ask for what you need.  Carry the Sword of Michael with Courage and Confidence for you are all Warriors of Light!   Be Still and in that peace-filled place within for the Light is Supreme now and grows brighter everyday.  Be in Peace and Walk in Beauty!    Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle   Friday    August 15, 2008  12:02 am