Relay Relay Relay: Torrance and Adele 4/21/2005

We are here.  We are Torrance and Adele  We are brother and sister in the Light.  We come from the Pleiades Lightship.  There is much interference in the airways, so to speak.   There is some truth in all of the messages given, but because of interference from those who would see the Plan fail the circuits get jammed.    It is important to use discernment in all things.  You, the  L ightworkers have been battered and bruised in the seas of confusion.   We admire your courage and fortitude. 

There are those who want you to be confused, discouraged,  faltering and to lose confidence in your abilities.    We have come to tell you that you are Ascended Masters and have but to step over the threshold and you are HOME. 

You may Command and Demand the Announcement Immediately!  :Yes, you will be surprised at the timing of the announcemnent and the changes this brings to your beautiful world.  There is much to be done Dear Sister and together we will have a glorious time!    Remember to keep focused on the desired outcome and it is yours! 

We walk no, we Run hand in hand with you to the finish line!   We are almost there!  Come! Run with us, hold our hands and together we will Win!  It Is Done!  We love you and will have that cup of tea and talk of old times and new on the shores of Destiny.  Good Night!